Port Cube
Port Cube
AVSResize uses matrix_coefficients : transfer_characteristics : color_primaries. The LUT changes the transfer characteristics from st2084 to std-b67, as per HLG standards. I am not so into that to understand it fully but someone more expert than me told me to do so.

The most common conversion from PQ is to "SDR", followed by HLG. As multiple broadcast service are trasmitting HDR using HLG, perhaps it''s better to support that format too.
Sometime in time.

Thank you!
Port Cube
Just taking a little break to get all my swim coaching certs renewed. Hope to get back to it in a day or two.
Port Cube
I have an important point to make. Trust me.
Port Cube
Haven't forgotten about this or given up, guys. Couple things going on. First, Sherman asked me to look into a tuner issue with his 38-12 radio while he and DG are on a Wayback Machine trip searching for Jimi Hendrix. Apparently, Jimi is an elusive and ethereal spirit. They've been gone longer than expected. Getting a little concerned TBH. Anyway, it turned out to be not so simple a problem and you all know that we don't give up on problems. So been spending a lot of time trying to figure out why the local oscillator is running too slow. But I have a theory and a plan so it may be over soon. 200Vdc shocks are not so bad, but preferably not across the heart and sustained. They sure do get your attention.
Second, I need to write a filter to show pixel values at a point x/y. For example, I want to compare pixels for internal versus external at any point in the script, plan being to see where in the process the discrepancy arises or becomes unacceptably large. Knowledge is power.
Patience is a virtue and all that.
Second, I need to write a filter to show pixel values at a point x/y. For example, I want to compare pixels for internal versus external at any point in the script, plan being to see where in the process the discrepancy arises or becomes unacceptably large. Knowledge is power.
Patience is a virtue and all that.
Port Cube
So true.
I found out why the oscillator was running slow. The oscillator coil was replaced in the past and it has the wrong inductance to match the tuning condenser. I patched in a P-C70-OSC universal oscillator coil and it brought everything back where it should be. I'll cobble up a mounting for it and get it installed. That will complete the electrical restoration. I'll leave final reassembly into the cabinet for Sherman to do when (if?) he comes back.
Port Cube
Started coding the pixel view filter...
Port Cube
PixelView() working for YUV420P16. Now coding RGBP16...
Port Cube
RGBP16 is working. Tomorrow we can start hunting down discrepancies.
Port Cube
@Guest 2
Please advise which version of avsresize.dll you are using.
Please advise which version of avsresize.dll you are using.
Port Cube
Alright. To kick things off, let's establish the playing field. Our source clip will be the Akira clip posted by Guest 2. We will be using the following scripts:
DGCube("1a_PQ1000_HLG_mode-nar_in-nar_out-nar_nocomp.cube", in="lim", lut="full", out="lim")
z_ConvertFormat(pixel_type="RGBP16", colorspace_op="2020:st2084:2020:limited=>rgb:st2084:2020:full")
DGCube("1a_PQ1000_HLG_mode-nar_in-nar_out-nar_nocomp.cube", in="full", lut="full", out="full")
z_ConvertFormat(pixel_type="YUV420P16", colorspace_op="rgb:std-b67:2020:full=>2020:std-b67:2020:limited")
DGSource() and DGCube are the latest. avsresize.dll is version r19. I removed dithering in the external script and the resample parameter.
We will be tracking the pixel at x=1900/y=750 of frame 0. This a skin tone on the neck below the guy's ear.
The first finding will be in my next post with subsequent ones to follow.
DGCube("1a_PQ1000_HLG_mode-nar_in-nar_out-nar_nocomp.cube", in="lim", lut="full", out="lim")
z_ConvertFormat(pixel_type="RGBP16", colorspace_op="2020:st2084:2020:limited=>rgb:st2084:2020:full")
DGCube("1a_PQ1000_HLG_mode-nar_in-nar_out-nar_nocomp.cube", in="full", lut="full", out="full")
z_ConvertFormat(pixel_type="YUV420P16", colorspace_op="rgb:std-b67:2020:full=>2020:std-b67:2020:limited")
DGSource() and DGCube are the latest. avsresize.dll is version r19. I removed dithering in the external script and the resample parameter.
We will be tracking the pixel at x=1900/y=750 of frame 0. This a skin tone on the neck below the guy's ear.
The first finding will be in my next post with subsequent ones to follow.
Port Cube
Finding #1: Comparison after conversion of input YUV420P16 to RGBP16.
Pixel value after DGSource(): Y=26048, U=30592, V=34624 # same for both scripts
Pixel value after external conversion: R = 28788, G = 24857, B = 20991
Pixel value after internal conversion: R = 28760, G = 24833, B = 20961
The percent discrepancies are: R = 0.097%, G 0.096%, B = 0.143%
So we are talking about a tenth of a percent discrepancy for the input conversion to RGB. While this appears inconsequential, let's come back to determining reasons for discrepancies after we determine the discrepancies for each stage.
Next up is to compare after the LUT application. After that is to compare after the output conversion back to YUV420P16.
Pixel value after DGSource(): Y=26048, U=30592, V=34624 # same for both scripts
Pixel value after external conversion: R = 28788, G = 24857, B = 20991
Pixel value after internal conversion: R = 28760, G = 24833, B = 20961
The percent discrepancies are: R = 0.097%, G 0.096%, B = 0.143%
So we are talking about a tenth of a percent discrepancy for the input conversion to RGB. While this appears inconsequential, let's come back to determining reasons for discrepancies after we determine the discrepancies for each stage.
Next up is to compare after the LUT application. After that is to compare after the output conversion back to YUV420P16.
Port Cube
Finding #2: Comparison after application of LUT.
Pixel value after external application: R = 33663, G = 24354, B = 17262
Pixel value after internal application: R = 33606, G = 24313, B = 17219
The percent discrepancies are: R = 0.17%, G 0.17%, B = 0.25%
The percent discrepancies are cumulative, that is, after all previous stages and not per-stage. At this point, we are still within a quarter of one percent.
Pixel value after external application: R = 33663, G = 24354, B = 17262
Pixel value after internal application: R = 33606, G = 24313, B = 17219
The percent discrepancies are: R = 0.17%, G 0.17%, B = 0.25%
The percent discrepancies are cumulative, that is, after all previous stages and not per-stage. At this point, we are still within a quarter of one percent.
Port Cube
Finding #3: Comparison after final output (adds the RGBP16->YUV420P16 stage).
Pixel value after external output: R = 26663, G = 28512, B = 37090
Pixel value after internal output: R = 26673, G = 28262, B = 37360
The percent discrepancies are: R = 0.04%, G 0.88%, B = 0.73%
The percent discrepancies are cumulative, that is, after all previous stages and not per-stage. At final output, we are still less than one percent.
It's clear that the biggest discrepancy is introduced at the final stage, so we will focus on the reasons for that first.
Pixel value after external output: R = 26663, G = 28512, B = 37090
Pixel value after internal output: R = 26673, G = 28262, B = 37360
The percent discrepancies are: R = 0.04%, G 0.88%, B = 0.73%
The percent discrepancies are cumulative, that is, after all previous stages and not per-stage. At final output, we are still less than one percent.
It's clear that the biggest discrepancy is introduced at the final stage, so we will focus on the reasons for that first.
Port Cube
Finding #4: Change the final external conversion stage from:
z_ConvertFormat(pixel_type="YUV420P16", colorspace_op="rgb:std-b67:2020:full=>2020:std-b67:2020:limited")
z_ConvertFormat(pixel_type="YUV420P16", colorspace_op="rgb:st2084:2020:full=>2020:st2084:2020:limited")
Interestingly, this does not alter the final pixel values! One might suppose it changes only metadata, but this is an Avisynth script delivering only raw pixels, so any metadata must be in frame properties. I'll check those next.
z_ConvertFormat(pixel_type="YUV420P16", colorspace_op="rgb:std-b67:2020:full=>2020:std-b67:2020:limited")
z_ConvertFormat(pixel_type="YUV420P16", colorspace_op="rgb:st2084:2020:full=>2020:st2084:2020:limited")
Interestingly, this does not alter the final pixel values! One might suppose it changes only metadata, but this is an Avisynth script delivering only raw pixels, so any metadata must be in frame properties. I'll check those next.
Port Cube
PQ to HLG. The scripts were given here:
https://www.rationalqm.us/board/viewtop ... 394#p16394
You were supposed to post if you didn't like my choice of playing field.