DGMVCsource (linux)

DG tools for linux

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DGMVCsource (linux)

Post by frankaboy »

Hello Donald,
first of all many thanks for your continuous work to deploy and improve your video tools :bow: .
If it is technical possible and not to much work for you,
I kindly ask you to port your DGMVCsource to Linux as well.
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DGMVCsource (linux)

Post by Rocky »

Welcome to the forum, frankaboy, and thank you for your kind words.

As Sherman would say, straight up. You can tell from the Linux forum activity that there is virtually zero interest, and certainly not enough to justify any major work on linux. There are a few people that wish they could fully transition to Linux for everything. Honestly, we're not partial to linux (hate would be too strong a word). Paying could raise the probability but no-one has ever followed up. Hope you understand. You made a polite request, which is always appreciated.

In any case, the linux boot drive went south and just getting a linux system up and running again feels like a nightmare.
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DGMVCsource (linux)

Post by frankaboy »

Dear Rocky,
many thanks for your detailed answer :D .
I understand your point of view and your decision is fully okay for me :agree: .
If you will any day setup Linux again,
I recomment to have a look at Arch Linux with KDE Desktop environment.
Once again many thanks for that, what you have done for the encoding community :bravo: .
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DGMVCsource (linux)

Post by Rocky »

This could be possible now. You'd have to ask Sherman, but he may have his hands full for now.
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DGMVCsource (linux)

Post by frankaboy »

Hi Sherman my friend, :salute:
I just reading Rocky's post and I am very excited, that it could be possible to port DGMVCsource to linux.
:D :D :D

So I kindly ask you, hence you have finished your current tasks, to work on DGMVCsource.

Take all the time you will need, I will be patient.
I am very grateful.
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DGMVCsource (linux)

Post by Curly »

Ghosted Britney, eh? Poor thing. Maybe WW has a chance.

I wish I was 3D. So lucky. ngya
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DGMVCsource (linux)

Post by frankaboy »

Hello Sherman my dear, :hat:
I hope you and the DG team are doing well?

It seems for my, that it is not very busy at the moment, regarding DG tools for Windows.
Therefore I would like to ask you again, if it is possible to port DGMVCSource to a nativ Linux Vapoursynth plugin, please.

Why do I ask you again!
My Projector is capable to play encoded 3D movies in T&B or SBS format with 59,94fps.
The visual pleasure is much better, as in comparison to a 23,976fps 3D movie.
So I decided to encode my 3D Blurays to 59,94fps, using Vapoursynth-plugin-svpflow for Linux.

My current work flow looks like this.
Win 10:
Pipe a Vapoursynth script with DGMVCSource to x264, using lossless mode (--qp 0).
That creates a huge file, for example a 5 minutes video has 6,3GB file size.

Arch linux:
Indexing the large file with dgindexnv.
Then I use Vapoursynth script with dgdecode and svpflow, to interpolate 23,976fps to 59,94fps.

This work flow creates very good results, but is very time-consuming and needs two encodings, on two different Operating Systems.

If DGMVCSource is available as native Linux Vapoursynth plugin, I could do that in one step on Linux.

AFAIK, the libmfxsw64.so is available in IntelMediaSKD 2018 R1 Linux.

Hope I am not a pain in your neck.

Kind Regards sent from Frankaboy to Frostbite Falls, Minnesota.
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DGMVCsource (linux)

Post by Sherman »

Hiya Frankaboy!

Intel dropped MediaSDK some time ago and replaced it with Video Processing Library (VPL). VPL does apparently support MVC:

https://intel.github.io/libvpl/latest/p ... o-decoding

I'd be inclined to move to VPL. The problem is that VPL is supported only on Gen 11 and later:

https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en ... tails.html

And Media SDK is not supported on Gen 11+.

Sadly, my linux machine is Gen 7 and bringing up another on a later CPU will be...difficult. :( What generation Intel CPU are you running on?

This is our first decision point.
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DGMVCsource (linux)

Post by frankaboy »

Hiya Sherman, :salute:
I have an AMD Ryzen 7 1700 CPU, so I can use DGMVCSoure only in software mode.
I have read, that the codec x264 is the bottle neck.
That means, the encoding time over all is not shorter, when hardware decoding is used for the 3D stream.

Before my post, I have read a lot in the Intel forum and found this link.
https://community.intel.com/t5/Media-In ... -p/1181335

I referring to this post -> Mark_L_Intel1 - Moderator- ‎04-26-2019 02:53 PM:
Yes, I confirmed we have remove libmfxsw64.so from the release package from 2018 R2. But it is still available in 2018 R1. So it should be MediaServerStudioProfessional2018R1.tar.gz/SDK2018Production16.8.tar.gz

Looking with my blue eyes on the topic and take our current computer equipment into account,
it seams for my, that a Linux port of DGMVCSource, based on IntelMediaSKD with libmfxsw64.so
should be the easiest solution.
But you are the expert and the way go further depends on your decision.

For my personal use, software decoding is perfect. :D

Kind Regards from your friend Frankaboy
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DGMVCsource (linux)

Post by Sherman »

That stuff is now unobtainium. We can only move to VPL. I'll check if it supports SW MVC decode.
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DGMVCsource (linux)

Post by frankaboy »

Hallo Sherman, :salute:
do you have good news for me. :scratch:
Is software MVC decoding supported in VPL?
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DGMVCsource (linux)

Post by Sherman »

It is supported as far as I can see. It will take some time to get familiar with this new environment so I ask you to be a little bit patient.
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DGMVCsource (linux)

Post by frankaboy »

Hello Sherman, :salute:
it was not my intention to speed up the development of DGMVCSource, based on VPL.
I am sorry, if I took the wrong words.
Take all time you need please, I will be patient.
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DGMVCsource (linux)

Post by Sherman »

Gotcha. No worries, I didn't think that.

I'm just wrapping up the Philco 49-909 (OMG, it sounds so great), I'll start experimenting with VPL shortly. I'll probably start on Windows and then port to linux later.
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DGMVCsource (linux)

Post by Sherman »

Jiminy Christmas, guys! Signs of silver mica disease (SMD) have shown up in the 49-909. Right after I put everything together and started touching up the cabinet. Ain't that a bite. Well there are only 3 cans in the FM path so let's do the dirty to them. One of the slugs is stuck so I needed to bitch slap that one in any case. I've gotten pretty good at this SMD crapola so let's go. Golly jeepers, Alice won't be happy because I was supposed to give her this radio today. Sprinkle sprinkle, drizzle drizzle. If you get my drift.
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DGMVCsource (linux)

Post by Rocky »

Sherm, the 49-909 doesn't use the Philco single-stage detector circuit (using the FM 1000 tube). It uses a conventional ratio detector circuit. Nevertheless, you did a great job on the restoration and it is sensitive, selective, and sounds great.
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DGMVCsource (linux)

Post by Sherman »

Thanks, Rocky. Dunno what gave me the wrong idea. Anybody interested in the Philco detector can look at page 88 here:

https://www.worldradiohistory.com/Archi ... 946-10.pdf

And page 37 here:

https://www.worldradiohistory.com/Archi ... 946-11.pdf

Curly, this one's for you:

https://api-journal.accscience.com/jour ... 22/gtm.222

So, I opened one of the IF cans and it is not of such a design as to be susceptible to SMD. I did stretch out the spring clip holding the two plastic halves together in order to make the slugs turn easier and was able to align it properly. It sounds so good I may not bother with the other stuck slugs.

The problem I thought was SMD was either noisy tube sockets and/or dirty controls. I cleaned them all as if my life depended on it and haven't seen the symptom since.

Gotta get going now on Frankaboy's request.
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DGMVCsource (linux)

Post by frankaboy »

Hi Sherman, :salute:
that is great news, many thanks.
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DGMVCsource (linux)

Post by Sherman »

We have a problem, Houston. Check this link:

https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en ... nevpl.html

VPL does not support the SW (CPU) implementation. They suggest to use other software, such as FFMPEG. That would be OK for standard decoding of AVC, but ffmpeg never implemented MVC decoding. Efforts in that regard have been attempted but all apparently abandoned. If the geniuses at FFMPEG couldn't/wouldn't try to complete this, what hope is there that a 6-year-old could succeed?

There are early implementations of SW MVC decoders but they too are old and abandoned, and I lack time, knowledge, and energy to try to make them usable in linux/vapoursynth.

Sadly, we appear to be dead in our tracks. The only way would be to find the early linux MediakSDK DLLs, but I have searched high and low without success. Or, we could implement for integrated GPU but you are apparently not geared up for that, and it's a massive undertaking to support all the GPU variants.

I fear we have to abandon this project.
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DGMVCsource (linux)

Post by frankaboy »

Hello Sherman, :salute:
many thanks for the explanation and for the efforts you have spend, regarding DGMVCSource linux. :hat:

I share your opinion, from current point of view we should close this project.

Maybe sometime libmfxsw64.so is available again,
or someone have libmfxsw64.so in his hands and can share it with you.

Kind Regards to Frostbite Falls, Minnesota.
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