Update on Rocket J. Squirrel

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Update on Rocket J. Squirrel

Post by DG »

Our great friend Rocky suffered a horrible crash when an aerial obstacle appeared suddenly in his path. Foul play is suspected and is being investigated. Two people of interest are being looked at.

Rocky is currently in a medically-induced coma with multiple fractures and internal organ injuries. His vital signs are unstable but he continues to fight. We will know more tomorrow. Please pray for Rocky to survive and to come back stronger than ever.
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Update on Rocket J. Squirrel

Post by hydra3333 »

goodness me !
wishing Rocky all the best.
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Update on Rocket J. Squirrel

Post by DG »

Thank the Lord. After improvements overnight in vital signs the induced coma was lifted and Rocky regained consciousness. His first words were "Boris did it!". He is now resting with his favorite peanut butter nuggets and sweet tea. We had to refuse his request for Irish coffee. Rocky's recovery will be slow and trying but we know what a warrior he is. The full body cast will inhibit his coding and release management tasks but Bullwinkle and Sherman have stepped up to the plate. Boris will be brought to justice no matter how long it takes.
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Update on Rocket J. Squirrel

Post by Guest »

Make sure Boris actually did it and Rocky wasn't confused, and keep an eye on Sherman.
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Update on Rocket J. Squirrel

Post by DG »

Investigators are interviewing Rocky as we speak. Don't worry, we keep a close eye on Sherman. He's just a kid and has done great stuff for us. I don't think there is evil in his heart. Kids will be kids.
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Update on Rocket J. Squirrel

Post by DG »

Rocky continues to improve and blood tests reveal unprecedenced levels of healing and strengthening. It is almost as if the divine had focused itself intently upon this one corporeal being. Doctors are confused and flabbergasted as only a 0.5% survivorship was estimated upon admission. DNA samples are being collected for deeper study.
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Update on Rocket J. Squirrel

Post by DG »

Rocky authorized the release of this X-ray upon admission. Broken bones, internal organ injuries, and spinal deformations are apparent. Miraculously, less than two days post-trauma Rocky's status shows fully normal physiology.

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Update on Rocket J. Squirrel

Post by DG »

Rocky is sitting up now and asked me to share this with you. His cast was removed and he is demanding Irish coffee. Docs say he can have some starting tomorrow. He'll be back coding before you know it!

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Update on Rocket J. Squirrel

Post by Guest »

Maybe we should start a fund raiser to supply him with irish coffee minus the coffee.
Might help to kill the pain.

Get well Rocky. :hat: :hat:
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Update on Rocket J. Squirrel

Post by Levi »

Ha ha! Rocky does not feel pain.
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Update on Rocket J. Squirrel

Post by Britney »

Rocky is like:

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Update on Rocket J. Squirrel

Post by DG »

Rocky has been working at his laptop on feature requests. He could be released from medical care today and will immediately resume his important work for DG Tools. He asked me to express his gratitude for your love and support during this trying time.

Meanwhile, we have engaged an independent private investigator, Dudley Do-Right, to track down Boris and bring him to justice. His stellar results in the Snidely Whiplash case fill us with optimism.

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Update on Rocket J. Squirrel

Post by DG »

Rocky was released today against medical advice. Physicians wanted to extract more revenue but Rocky put the kibosh on that, saying "I'm outta here!" Boris is in hiding and Dudley is hot on the trail. With that, let's close this out. Detective Do-Right will provide updates on the hunt going forward.
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Update on Rocket J. Squirrel

Post by Guest »

Welcome back Rocky
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Update on Rocket J. Squirrel

Post by Rocky »

Thank you, Sir!
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Update on Rocket J. Squirrel

Post by DG »

An all points bulletin has been issued in this case.

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Update on Rocket J. Squirrel

Post by Wonder Woman »

Don't worry, guys. I'll take care of these despicable scum...the Wonder Woman way!
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Update on Rocket J. Squirrel

Post by Britney »

So great to have another strong woman member here. Welcome!
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Update on Rocket J. Squirrel

Post by Wonder Woman »

Folks, sorry to report that our referral on Boris was rejected by the prosecutor's office. The ruling was that insufficient evidence exists to connect him with the scurrilous attack on Rocket J. Squirrel. He has been released from custody. An ethics investigation has been launched against Dudley Do-Right and myself. Your support will be appreciated.
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Update on Rocket J. Squirrel

Post by Curly »

Wait for the other shoe.

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Update on Rocket J. Squirrel

Post by DG »

Dudley Do-Right was charged with false imprisonment and violation of civil rights under the color of law. Wonder Woman has agreed to testify for the state and is expected to be sentenced to time served. A civil suit for damages has been filed by Boris Badenov and settlement negotiations are underway. Great to see a conclusion to this sordid affair.
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