[RESOLVED] cuCtxCreate failed
Re: cuCtxCreate failed
Marking resolved. If you have an instance of cCtxCreate failed that is not a case of a) running out of GPU memory, or b) running other GPU-enabled apps alongside DGDecNV then please create a new thread.
Re: [RESOLVED] cuCtxCreate failed
Try 280.26.
I got this problem before too, but only when I played 3-4 flash videos in firefox at once
I got this problem before too, but only when I played 3-4 flash videos in firefox at once
Re: [RESOLVED] cuCtxCreate failed
is there a way to see which applications are using the video card?
I keep having this issue but I'm unable to figure out which application is already using the video card. Could Windows 7's Aero affect it?
I keep having this issue but I'm unable to figure out which application is already using the video card. Could Windows 7's Aero affect it?
Re: [RESOLVED] cuCtxCreate failed
Look at your GPU memory before you start DGIndexNV. How much free is there before you launch DGIndexNV?
I don't know about Aero. Can't you simply turn it off and see if it changes anything?
I don't know about Aero. Can't you simply turn it off and see if it changes anything?
Re: [RESOLVED] cuCtxCreate failed
Looks like it is just running out of memory. I'm surprised because I have a 1gb GT520, but I can only change my script in avspmod about 5-8 times before it crashes and i get a green screen. Then I have to quit the program and run it again... kind of a pain. is there any way to flush the memory manually?
Re: [RESOLVED] cuCtxCreate failed
Avspmod must be implemented incorrectly. It must properly release things when a script is closed. I can't do anything about this.
Re: [RESOLVED] cuCtxCreate failed
AvsPmod releases everything when re-freshing preview, or at least I never had a problem with GTX 570 or even with older GT 220 M.
Re: [RESOLVED] cuCtxCreate failed
You said you are running out of memory. Now you say you are not, because it gets released. I don't know how to help you when you contradict yourself like that.
Re: [RESOLVED] cuCtxCreate failed
avspmod caches stuff in memory, to completely release either close the program or use the "Release video from memory" under one of the menu items...