Audio track in American Gangster

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Audio track in American Gangster

Post by Guest 2 »

I have bought the BD of American Gangster and it has theatrical and extended versions.

The lazy authors of the BD "forgot" in the extended version to fill the non english audio tracks with audio, leaving parts completely mute or others wih mismatched audio.

The theatrical version is:

The extended one is:

My idea was to demux the audio (italian or english when missing the italian one) from every single part and then join them by flac or other joinable formats and then encode back to dts or eac3.

My doubt is that perhaps there are some overlapping between the m2ts that I couldn't notice or correct if I demux each of them separately. So it could lead to a real mess.

Is there a way or could you introduce a way to produce multiple time and lenght correct dgi, subtititles and audio tracks from the playlist?
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Audio track in American Gangster

Post by DJATOM »

Probably it's possible to demux a playlist and index extracted video stream/encode audio. Maybe try eac3to?
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Audio track in American Gangster

Post by Rocky »

You can use the episode demuxing feature of DGDemux to do demuxing of the individual M2TS files. Beyond that, it's on you. Just can't justify doing anything more in DG tools to handle a single severely broken disk. Marking resolved.
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