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[RESOLVED] Bug report: Output Trimmed TS

Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2013 6:33 pm
by Deadeye

I'm not sure whether Don's still actively supporting DGDecNV, but there apparently is a bug in using DGIndexNV's "Output Trimmed TS", at least in some cases.

For some background, my usage: I usually use Output Trimmed TS to combine the chunked (<4GB) .MTS files my Panasonic HDC TM090 camera creates into a single file, primarily so that some clients can view the raw but complete file (since they can go down the AVS --> DGDecNV path). I just use the DGIndexNV indexing tool to open the batch of .MTS files, then "Output Trimmed TS" to a new MTS file, then (after some careful checking) I usually delete the chunked files.

This has worked well for a long time. However, this weekend, I noticed that the above procedure created a TS file with the wrong media info encoded into it. MediaInfo claimed the video was 6 seconds when it was actually over 24 minutes long. The file was the right size (big), so the content is in there, just not indexed properly. This causes the media players progress / scrub bar to zip to the end in the first 6 seconds, then the video keeps playing and the progress is at 100%. So there's no way to scrub past the first 6 seconds.

The only unusual thing about the raw footage on this video that;s different from the others is that the camera was stopped for a short time at the end, then re-started momentarily, then stopped - yes, for exactly 6 seconds.

I was able to get Output Trimmed TS to work correctly by not importing this last video. So my guess is that this is a bug (?)

Usually my usage scenario is that the camera is turned on and left on for a period of time. Is a camera stop/start supported when concatenating video like I'm doing?

And this raises a concern - there probably is other footage in my library that had stop/start embedded in the now concatenated footage. Is there any way to detect this situation (after the raw source chunked footage is gone)? And if detect, is there a way to re-index the container's internal data structures to fix the problem?

Thanks in advance for any help anyone can provide.


Re: Bug report: Output Trimmed TS

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 1:42 pm
by admin
Output Trimmed TS does not alter the stream or write any index. It simply cuts at transport packet boundaries.

If you would like to post a link to the video that gets detected as only 6 seconds by MediaInfo, I will try to see what the cause may be.

Re: Bug report: Output Trimmed TS

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 8:51 am
by admin
Marking resolved as the OP has not continued the debugging process.