Binaries Update Notification Thread

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Re: Binaries Update Notification Thread

Post by Rocky »

DGDecNV slipstream 212:

* Fixed demuxing of EAC3 with more than 6 channels. :salute: Guest 2
* Fixed demuxing of PGS subtitles (timings now more accurate). :salute: Guest 2

To get this slipstream, simply re-download the 2053 package from the binaries area.
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Re: Binaries Update Notification Thread

Post by Rocky »

DGDemux/DGDemuxGUI slipstream 33:

* Fixed memory leak in DGDemux.exe.
* Fixed regression in build 32 for chapter demuxing.
* Fixed chapter demuxing in episode demuxing mode. :salute: ChaosKing ... 0.0.33.rar

The corresponding fixes for DGDecNV are coming in a jiffy.
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Re: Binaries Update Notification Thread

Post by Rocky »

Folks, please re-download DGDecNV slipstream 212. It had some boo-boos:

* Win32 DGDecodeNV was not updated.
* A memory leak was introduced.
* Chapter demuxing had a regression.

To get this slipstream, simply re-download the 2053 package from the binaries area.
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Re: Binaries Update Notification Thread

Post by Rocky »

Folks, again please re-download DGDecNV 2053. I have backed out changes that broke MKV handling.
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Re: Binaries Update Notification Thread

Post by Rocky »

DGDemux/DGDemuxGUI slipstream 34:

* Fixed channel order for LPCM 5.1 and 7.1 audio. :salute: BDgeek2 :salute: Guest 3 ... 0.0.34.rar

The corresponding fix for DGDecNV is coming shortly.
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Re: Binaries Update Notification Thread

Post by Rocky »

DGDecNV slipstream 213:

* Fixed channel order for LPCM 5.1 and 7.1 demuxing. :salute: BDgeek2 :salute: Guest 3
* Fixed failure to open MKV file with PGS subtitles. :salute: kebulek

To get this slipstream, simply re-download the 2053 package from the binaries area.
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Re: Binaries Update Notification Thread

Post by Rocky »

DGDecNV slipstream 214:

* Fixed seeking in MKV files with non-video cues (e.g., for S_DVBSUB tracks). :salute: kebulek

To get this slipstream, simply re-download the 2053 package from the binaries area.
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Re: Binaries Update Notification Thread

Post by Rocky »

DGDemux/DGDemuxGUI slipstream 35:

* Allow multiple instances of DGDemuxGUI. A process ID is now shown on the GUI (to the left of the Abort button) and the output file from DGDemux.exe is named with that PID number. This allows you to associate the text output file with the corresponding instance of DGDemuxGUI. Note that when the GUI is closed the output file is now deleted. If you need to inspect it, do so before closing the GUI. :salute: gonca

* Drag and drop is now supported. You may drag a bluray folder onto: a) the DGDemuxGUI executable, b) a shortcut to the DGDemuxGUI executable, or c) an open DGDemuxGUI dialog. :salute: Guest 2

* A new application icon is assigned.

* The user manual and to-do lists were updated. ... 0.0.35.rar

Now tell me what I broke. :P
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Re: Binaries Update Notification Thread

Post by Rocky »

Yah well, I did break something. When dropping on the DGDemuxGUI shortcut, and then after selecting an MPLS, right click in the streams list was not working. Please re-download build 35 and update DGDemuxGUI.
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Re: Binaries Update Notification Thread

Post by Rocky »

DGDemux/DGDemuxGUI slipstream 36:

* The GUI now reports the 3D planes for 3D bluray disks. During demuxing an MKVTOOLNIX-compatible tag file
giving the plane is created for each enabled PGS stream.

* The user manual and to-do lists were updated. ... 0.0.36.rar
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Re: Binaries Update Notification Thread

Post by Rocky »

DGDecNV slipstream 215:

* DGDecodeNV now passes the correct SAR to Vapoursynth. :salute: hydra3333

* Fixed missing SPS/PPS in some circumstances. :salute: MeteorRain :salute: emilius256

To get this slipstream, simply re-download the 2053 package from the binaries area.
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Re: Binaries Update Notification Thread

Post by Rocky »

Please re-download build 215 and update DGIndexNV.exe. I have added a fix for the missing SPS/PPS problem.
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Re: Binaries Update Notification Thread

Post by Rocky »

DGHDRtoSDR build 1.14:

* Make the PQ white parameter somewhat more relative (like HLG), so that the good
values of the white parameter are not all bunched up at the very high end of the scale.
You'll have to revise your white settings in existing scripts, of course.

* Fixed a bug in HLG parameter checking for Avisynth.

* User manual updated.

Corresponding changes for DGIndexNV coming shortly.
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Re: Binaries Update Notification Thread

Post by Rocky »

DGDecNV slipstream 216:

* Improved the handling of the 'white' parameter for the HDRtoSDR PQ conversion.

* Updated the user manual.

To get this slipstream, simply re-download the 2053 package from the binaries area.
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Re: Binaries Update Notification Thread

Post by Rocky »

DGDemux/DGDemuxGUI slipstream 37:

* Fixed possible filename collisions when running more than one instance of DGDemux/DGDemuxGUI. :salute: gonca

* List chapters in the stream list and allow to be selected/deselected for demuxing.

* The user manual and to-do lists were updated. ... 0.0.37.rar
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Re: Binaries Update Notification Thread

Post by Rocky »

DGDemux/DGDemuxGUI slipstream 38:

* Added number of chapters to the streams list and return more information for the -d option. :salute: arrgh

* Fix problem with mediainfo showing wrong duration for some demuxed SUP files. :salute: renols

* The user manual and to-do lists were updated. ... 0.0.38.rar
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Re: Binaries Update Notification Thread

Post by Rocky »

Please re-download slipstream 38. I fixed a regression in episode demuxing.
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Re: Binaries Update Notification Thread

Post by Rocky »

One more time guys. Had a regression in SUP demuxing. Fix confirmed OK by renols. :salute:
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Re: Binaries Update Notification Thread

Post by Rocky »

DGDemux/DGDemuxGUI slipstream 39:

* Change "utf - 8" to "utf-8" in the SUP tag file. :salute: arrgh

* Fix regression in command line generation by the GUI when demuxing 3D disks or disks with angles. :salute: arrgh

* Fixed a problem with initializing the angle drop-down in the GUI. :salute: Emulgator

* Fixed secondary PIP streams being identified as DolbyVision. :salute: Emulgator ... 0.0.39.rar
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Re: Binaries Update Notification Thread

Post by Rocky »

DGDemux/DGDemuxGUI slipstream 40:

* Added -all option and corresponding GUI checkbox to show all MPLS files when browsing a disk, regardless of the playlist durations. :salute: Britney ... 0.0.40.rar

Sorry about that Sherman. I'll start the moratorium now. It's a promise!
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Re: Binaries Update Notification Thread

Post by Rocky »

DGDemux/DGDemuxGUI slipstream 41:

* Remember the DGDemuxGUI window position. Delete DGDemux.ini before running the new version for the first time.
:salute: Guest 2

* Fix cosmetic glitch with the 'No gaps processing' checkbox. ... 0.0.41.rar
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Re: Binaries Update Notification Thread

Post by Rocky »

DGDemux/DGDemuxGUI slipstream 42:

* Implement preview button. Uses the player defined in the INI file to play the selected MPLS file. Tested with DGIndexNV and MPC-HC. Please look at the included INI file as your model. Note that the syntax has changed for the output path line. :salute: Britney :salute: gonca

* Issue -ang option only when there are multiple angles. This is purely cosmetic as it was ignored in any case.

* Populate the 'Output name' field with the program PID on startup, not after an MPLS is selected. Of course you can still edit it if you want.

* Removed the 'Show all MPLS' option and now always show them all. The option was useless and I wanted to save a line in the options area of the GUI.

* Disable Show and Preview buttons during demuxing. ... 0.0.42.rar
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Re: Binaries Update Notification Thread

Post by Rocky »

DGDemux/DGDemuxGUI slipstream 43:

* Added M2TS preview. It works like this: If no M2TS file is highlighted in the M2TS list, then the preview button previews the selected MPLS. If a file is highlighted in the M2TS list, then the preview button previews that M2TS file. If you double-click an M2TS name it will select that name including the leading + (if any). But the + will be stripped off. So you can just double-click a name and hit preview, without worrying about the leading +.
:salute: Britney

* Added a check for failure to launch the preview application. :salute: gonca ... 0.0.43.rar
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Re: Binaries Update Notification Thread

Post by Rocky »

DGDecNV slipstream 217:

* Ported PGS demuxing fix from DGDemux.

To get this slipstream, re-download the 2053 package from the binaries area.
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Re: Binaries Update Notification Thread

Post by Rocky »

DGDemux/DGDemuxGUI slipstream 44:

* Fix marking of DV streams.

* Fix missing 'Fix THD gaps' message.

* DGDemux now ignores unknown options instead of erroring out.

* Clear the demux???.txt file when beginning a new demux operation without
exiting the GUI.

* Do not suppress a short last chapter. :salute: Bravo5

* If only chapters are selected for demuxing, do not parse all the M2TS files. ... 0.0.44.rar

This will likely be the last update before fast mode is released.