DGDecNV build 238 will not run but 236/237 do

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DGDecNV build 238 will not run but 236/237 do

Post by Boris »

Right here, dahlink!
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DGDecNV build 238 will not run but 236/237 do

Post by Guest »

She said men, not half-pints
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Aleron Ives
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DGDecNV build 238 will not run but 236/237 do

Post by Aleron Ives »

I just finished reading the binaries update thread. You've been busy these last few years :scratch: I see you're building DGIndexNV with VS 2019 now. Do you need the VC++ 2019 redistributables for x86/x64 to run DGIndexNV now? I didn't see any mention of needing extra libraries.
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DGDecNV build 238 will not run but 236/237 do

Post by Curly »

You will always need redistributables. Go with the flow, bro. It's not hard.
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Aleron Ives
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DGDecNV build 238 will not run but 236/237 do

Post by Aleron Ives »

Ah, phooey. I've had trouble with newer VC++ runtimes causing crashes in programs relying on older VC++ runtimes. I guess I should have kept closer tabs on the update situation.

Of course, since I'm an old paying customer, I don't suppose I could trouble you for a link to slipstream 221? ;) I still have my old user ID for the licensing system if you'd like proof that Boris isn't trying to pull a dastardly scheme.

It may also be worth noting that slipstream 221 is the last version before you officially dropped XP support, so if you were going to post a final DGDecNV for XP users, that would probably be the one to pick, since you can't test on an XP machine anymore. Slipstream 222 was the first to drop support for XP.
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DGDecNV build 238 will not run but 236/237 do

Post by Rocky »

You're running WinXP? I thought you were one lake over.
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Aleron Ives
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DGDecNV build 238 will not run but 236/237 do

Post by Aleron Ives »

No, I'm using Windows 7. I'm just pointing out that you could kill two birds with one stone, as the last non-VC++ 2019 build was also the last "XP officially supported" build, according to the binaries update notification thread. Of course, if you don't care about those two birds, or you don't have the code for slipstream 221 lying around anymore, then the point is moot. :scratch:
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DGDecNV build 238 will not run but 236/237 do

Post by Rocky »

Every slipstream is branched in SVN so of course we have the code. But we're not interested in prolonging XP's death rattles. Let it RIP.
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DGDecNV build 238 will not run but 236/237 do

Post by Aleron Ives »

I'll take that as a no. Oh well. I accept your judgement, and I thank you for considering my ideas. :)
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DGDecNV build 238 will not run but 236/237 do

Post by Britney »

"I'm just pointing out that you could kill two birds with one stone"

We love birds. Why would we want to kill them? :?

It's just a saying, right?
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DGDecNV build 238 will not run but 236/237 do

Post by Bullwinkle »

Correct. Every morning we have a mini-flock of birds waiting for us to wake up and help them out. We get sparrows, grackels, blujays, even hummingbirds when we put out the nectar, many others. Just depends on the time of year and who is passing through on their yearly journeys. I'm so lucky to have a warm stable that I can rely on without having to search hither and thither for warmth and sustenance. Every life is precious. Even hoomin. They say I am the most compassionate and empathetic of God's creatures. I don't disagree.
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DGDecNV build 238 will not run but 236/237 do

Post by Curly »

Aleron Ives wrote:
Tue Dec 14, 2021 3:06 pm
I thank you for considering my ideas.
Who says they were considered? Rejected out of hand I tell ya.
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DGDecNV build 238 will not run but 236/237 do

Post by Rocky »

Be gracious, Curly. All ideas and suggestions are given thoughtful analysis and consideration.
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Aleron Ives
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DGDecNV build 238 will not run but 236/237 do

Post by Aleron Ives »

Britney wrote:
Tue Dec 14, 2021 7:56 pm
It's just a saying, right?
Indeed. I'm not sure who came up with that saying. :scratch:
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DGDecNV build 238 will not run but 236/237 do

Post by Rocky »

Bullwinkle wrote:
Tue Dec 14, 2021 7:59 pm
They say I am the most compassionate and empathetic of God's creatures. I don't disagree.
Me too, Bullwinkle!
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DGDecNV build 238 will not run but 236/237 do

Post by Baltasar »

Aleron Ives wrote:
Tue Dec 14, 2021 8:17 pm
I'm not sure who came up with that saying.
Caligula, perhaps? What other brutal monster? Draw the direct implications and conduct yourself accordingly. You will be remembered the better for it.
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DGDecNV build 238 will not run but 236/237 do

Post by admin »

I thought I had a point but then I didn't.
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DGDecNV build 238 will not run but 236/237 do

Post by Boris »

Try therapy. Works best. Mind focused by traditional Transylvanian grandma. Never a doubt. Send PM.
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