
These CUDA filters are packaged into DGDecodeNV, which is part of DGDecNV.
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Re: DGDecomb

Post by admin »

Good advice, thanks.
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Aleron Ives
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Re: DGDecomb

Post by Aleron Ives »

BTW, I used to be staff at a site that used HostGator, and our forum got error 500s fairly often, so if you're still thinking of switching to them, I would advise against it.
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Re: DGDecomb

Post by admin »



I saw your post about building AvsCompat at another forum. I was able to build AvsCompat using VS2017. If you want, I would be happy to give you the 4 vsyasm files you need and tell you where to put them. Then you can just build the AvsCompat project. You don't have to build the entire solution.


Thanks for the feedback. Would you recommend any host? I've been looking at bluehost.
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Re: DGDecomb

Post by hydra3333 »

admin wrote:@hydra3333


I saw your post about building AvsCompat at another forum. I was able to build AvsCompat using VS2017. If you want, I would be happy to give you the 4 vsyasm files you need and tell you where to put them. Then you can just build the AvsCompat project. You don't have to build the entire solution.
G'day mate. Yes thanks, that'd be handy. And thanks !

Yes, I am aiming to build AvsCompat to include your good gear from time to time ... then play around to build the rest as a fun learning exercise and an intro back into that side of things.
Separately, on a semi-related note, cross-compiling ffmpeg for windows dependencies under linux (just getting it to build) was a bit of an eye opener about how varied and fiddly open source stuff can be :) Even the underpinning build toolchain required tweaking. Ah well, its about making a start back into it as a hobby as retirement approaches. So many things to re-learn; I was told the half life of knowledge is about a year and that seems about right, use it or lose it.

Also, wishing you well in crafting the paper you'd mentioned.

edit: it seemed to build without errors, after a minor VS2017 Community link issue. I wonder if it'll run ? :)
I really do like it here.
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Re: DGDecomb

Post by Aleron Ives »

I currently staff a site that switched to DigitalOcean some six months ago, and it's been working well for us so far.
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Re: DGDecomb

Post by admin »


Thanks, Aleron, I'll check it out.


Good to see you have built AvsCompat successfully.


I always wanted to add N-in-M decimation to Decomb but never got around to it. So, instead, I added it to the CUDA filter DGDecimate(). It's working but I want to do a bit more testing before slipstreaming later today. A parameter 'keep' is added to specify how many of the frames in the cycle should be kept, e.g., DGDecimate(cycle=5,keep=4) for standard IVTC. The maximum cycle size is increased to 40.

On other fronts, I am working on 10/12-bit output surface support for DGDecNV (HEVC), and a standalone Avisynth PureVideo deinterlacer (single- and double-rate).
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Re: DGDecomb

Post by Guest »

DGDecimate --- is the maximum cycle size 40 or 50
Not trying to be a pain but your post says 50 and the manual says 40
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Re: DGDecomb

Post by admin »

Always good to hear from you, gonca. It's 40. I fixed the post. Thanks for pointing it out.

Thinking about things more, a correct design would have no limit on the cycle size. I'm looking into that. Of course, we also don't want two-pass operation, so it's nontrivial.
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Re: DGDecomb

Post by Guest »

My nitpicking is kinda your fault ;)
In order to use your CUDA Filters I had to learn to write my own AVISynth scripts, and this led to my using my "custom" x264 command lines.
All this required me to read the documentation, see where this is going.
Thanks for the motivation :hat: however I will keep on reading the manual :scratch:

How is your paper going?
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Re: DGDecomb

Post by admin »

Seems to me you have learned a lot!

On my paper I have brought up the journal's Latex template and put my title in. Now I am collecting papers that I'm going to want to cite and jotting down notes on things I'd like to cover. My plan is to have everything collected and an outline by June 1. Then I have 60 days to write 20 pages, but I plan to incorporate 10 pages from an already written but not-yet-published paper I did last year. So, no sweat, everything on track. Thanks for asking about it.

Did you get that 1080Ti yet?
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Re: DGDecomb

Post by Guest »

Should have the 1080ti on Wednesday.
For clarification on why I didn't order from the US directly this time, In Canada there is an import duty (tax sort of), which I am sure you have south of the border.
Don't know about your specific rules but up here by calling it a duty (not tax) the government applies the sales tax on it.
Tax on a tax as it were, something not acceptable in the US. This can lead to compounding costs so sometimes I have to be patient. :facepalm:

I know the forum you are talking about and I don't go there much anymore as the attitude overall is not good, its the "I know more than you do so why should I bother". There are some good members but I find that their helpfulness and lets stick to the topic style is being drowned out :cry:

Scientists deal with the facts as they are known
Theoretical scientists attempt to predict behavior based on the facts as they are known
Common factor >>> FACTS
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Re: DGDecomb

Post by admin »

gonca wrote:Should have the 1080ti on Wednesday.
For clarification on why I didn't order from the US directly this time, In Canada there is an import duty (tax sort of), which I am sure you have south of the border.
Don't know about your specific rules but up here by calling it a duty (not tax) the government applies the sales tax on it.
Tax on a tax as it were, something not acceptable in the US. This can lead to compounding costs so sometimes I have to be patient. :facepalm:
You know what they say: free trade has to be fair trade. I have a feeling our POTUS is going to do the right thing and make things better for everyone. Win, win, win!
I know the forum you are talking about and I don't go there much anymore as the attitude overall is not good, its the "I know more than you do so why should I bother". There are some good members but I find that their helpfulness and lets stick to the topic style is being drowned out :cry:
Yes, indeed. And the mods are missing in action. So sad to see a once-great forum reduced to this by a handful of childish bullies.
Scientists deal with the facts as they are known
Theoretical scientists attempt to predict behavior based on the facts as they are known
Common factor >>> FACTS
Agreed, but people will say, what is a fact? :scratch:
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Re: DGDecomb

Post by Guest »

Agreed, but people will say, what is a fact? :scratch:
That which has been proven, with a caveat to the principle of uncertainty, chaos theory, quantum mechanics theorem which deals at subatomic levels, etc.
This can get complicated fast :?
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Re: DGDecomb

Post by admin »

For sure. Strangely, that is one of the themes of my upcoming paper: what is involved in going from raw data to the assertion of a proposition? What do you have to watch out for to avoid failed reasoning? It will be specific to the debate over quantum nonlocality and directed at experimental scientists, who can sometimes be a bit naive about these things.
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Re: DGDecomb

Post by Guest »

experimental scientists, who tend to be a bit naive about these things.
Experimental, and research, scientists are funded by parties which might have specific interests, not just for knowledge. Sometimes data is interpreted in such a way as to give favorable results to maintain funding, a form of practicality. Of course there are many whose sole goal is to increase the knowledge of things around us
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Re: DGDecomb

Post by admin »

Ah, yes, grant gorging, gatekeeping, and publication bias. I know exactly what you are talking about, and again, the sociology is a theme of my paper. One has to be careful talking about this but the special issue seems to invite it, so let's see how far it can be taken.

I've been thinking about this a lot recently. It's obvious that government funding has corrupted science and distorted the scientific process. But some research requires extensive equipment and facilities, so grant money cannot just be awarded randomly. The best I can think of right now, is to award some fraction based on capabilities while reserving some fraction to be randomly awarded to qualified applicants. That doesn't address gatekeeping and publication bias, however. The radical solution is to get government out of it completely; let private enterprise fund things. Then maybe we wouldn't be wasting our money and time on quantum computation and other nonsense.

You've obviously thought about this, gonca. What do you think?
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Re: DGDecomb

Post by Guest »

Government funding could easily encourage "politically correct" results, while private funding would be more result oriented, with due care to not rushing to conclusions to fulfill the results that might be required.
The splitting of the funds might be a good alternative with the appropriate safeguards in place to protect the integrity of the funds distribution as well as the validity of the results of the research. In other words, no hanky panky on who gets the money or the results in an attempt to get more funding
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Re: DGDecomb

Post by Aleron Ives »

admin wrote:The radical solution is to get government out of it completely; let private enterprise fund things.
I would argue that this would cause the opposite of the desired effect. The least reliable studies are funded by corporations with a vested interest in specific outcomes. If corporation x funds a study that says technology y is good and/or safe, and corporation x sells technology y, then it's no surprise that the study it paid for agrees with its business interests. Government funding may not be an ideal solution, but that doesn't mean the private sector has the answer, either.
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Re: DGDecomb

Post by admin »


Sure, but there are two sides to that coin. A company doing basic R&D in support of new/improved products is going to be much more connected to reality and focused on real results.


My experiment this morning to run the CUVID postprocessor (VPP) stand-alone on raw input (that is, taking decompressed output from any source filter) was successful (with help from nVidia for one quirky thing). That means you will soon have a stand-alone PureVideo deinterlacer/bobber.
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Re: DGDecomb

Post by admin »

PVBob() is working and output is noticeably better than DGBob() (which is the yadif algorithm). I have a little wart with random access with double-rate that I have to fix. So probably tomorrow I can give it to y'all.
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Re: DGDecomb

Post by admin »

Slipstreamed PVBob().
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Re: DGDecomb

Post by Guest »

Thanks for the new filter
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Re: DGDecomb

Post by admin »

You're welcome, Sir.
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Re: DGDecomb

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I ain't no sir :lol:
Just another guy trying to do good encodes
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Re: DGDecomb

Post by admin »

It's just a term of endearment and respect for one who has contributed much. Indulge me. :)
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