[RESOLVED] Staxrip 1.7+DGEnc+x264 = Unable to load DGDecodeNV.dll

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[RESOLVED] Staxrip 1.7+DGEnc+x264 = Unable to load DGDecodeNV.dll

Post by Chris »

Hi everyone,

I'm a new joiner recently. While Staxrip has been with me for years (old version but still doing what I need) I decided to go for a new RTX 2070 and also hook it up for my tv recordings for which I wanted DGEnc to accelerate my encoding projects. This however required me to upgrade to newer staxrip ( in order to go with DGEnc/IndexNV 2053 and Avisynth+.

So after I was done setting it all up (templates, x264 command lines, etc) in my new staxrip I ran into this issue at "Start Encoding" saying "Unable to load DGDecodeNV.dll".

Short rundown:
  • Avisynth+ installed from install.exe distributed with 1.7 staxrip
  • Checked twice to make sure: Yes it's 64bit
  • My windows is also a 64bit one (W7)
  • DGEnc/IndexNV files as downloaded were copied to staxrip apps dir and also "loaded" as "Ok" inside staxrip
  • DGEnc/IndexNV files for 64bit were copied from folder "x64 Binaries"
  • AviSynthPlus-r1576.exe was downloaded and installed
  • 64bit files for DGEnc/etc were copied over again from no doubt 2053 zip file to make sure it's 64bit
  • Indexing ts files or loading/cropping/previewing them in staxrip works well without any difficulties
  • File/Folder Permissions (although I am my only W7 admin) I have checked and also made sure there are no limitations for any account
  • license.txt file is in relevant staxrip/Apps/DGIndexNV folder with my d*6 license
  • Made sure the 10th time the path to dll is correct (another screenshot attached)
  • Video file was indexed with 64bit DGIndexNV
As soon as I hit start encoding I get this error presented as attached (along with the batch, the log and the avs file mentioned attached as well). I really appreciate all of your help and say thank you up front for lending me a hand! I just hope it is something minor I am overseeing...

Thank you and best wishes,
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Re: Staxrip 1.7+DGEnc+x264 = Unable to load DGDecodeNV.dll

Post by Guest »

Did you put a copy of license.txt in the x64 Binaries folder?
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Re: Staxrip 1.7+DGEnc+x264 = Unable to load DGDecodeNV.dll

Post by admin »

gonca is correct that you need a copy of the license file in the same directory where you placed the DLL. But you said you copied the binaries elsewhere, so checking for a license in the x64 binaries folder may not be applicable. Also, I would expect a different error message if your license wasn't there. Failure to load the DLL suggests a 32/64 mismatch or a path problem.

Let's get it working standalone and then try to figure out StaxRip. See the following post.
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Re: Staxrip 1.7+DGEnc+x264 = Unable to load DGDecodeNV.dll

Post by admin »

1. DGEnc does not exist. I assume you mean DGDec.

2. You should use the latest version of Avisynth+. Yours is very old.

3. I do not provide support for StaxRip (though I know it works with DGDec
when correctly set up). So I recommend that you try to get this working
outside StaxRip and then go from there. Just drop the AVS script onto
64-bit VirtualDub2 and report here what happens.

4. You might try to get support for StaxRip about this at videohelp forum
or other video forums.
DAE avatar

Re: Staxrip 1.7+DGEnc+x264 = Unable to load DGDecodeNV.dll

Post by Guest »

Just looked at the AVS script. It appears you are attempting to use the 32 bit version of DGIndexNV, and not the 64 bit version
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Re: Staxrip 1.7+DGEnc+x264 = Unable to load DGDecodeNV.dll

Post by admin »

Maybe, but he said several times that he copied the DLL from the x64 distribution folder.
DAE avatar

Re: Staxrip 1.7+DGEnc+x264 = Unable to load DGDecodeNV.dll

Post by Guest »

Yeah, you are right
The file sizes appear to be right for x64
I'll go back to my shed :oops:
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Re: Staxrip 1.7+DGEnc+x264 = Unable to load DGDecodeNV.dll

Post by Chris »

Hi and thanks a lot for taking care,

(in the morning here so a short post for now from my side)
Structure in downloaded 2053 zip file is this: Inside the zip are the 32bit files and a folder called "x64 Binaries".
I am not supposed to copy the x64 files from this "x64 binaries" folder to the parent folder that contains the 32bit files and I should just leave everything as is, just put license.txt into 32bit and 64bit folders?

Thank you :)
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Re: Staxrip 1.7+DGEnc+x264 = Unable to load DGDecodeNV.dll

Post by Chris »

Ok, had the chance to try if I did something wrong when "copying" and also to catch up with the other topics addressed in your posts.
gonca wrote:
Tue Dec 04, 2018 6:14 pm
The file sizes appear to be right for x64
Sorry for the confusion here. I copied over all contents from 2053 zip as they are overwriting existing files. After that I placed license file into the x64 binaries folder too.

Then Deleted "project files", started DGIndexNV from x64 folder, indexed ts file again to same folder as before.
Started staxrip, defined paths for DGDec & DGIndexNV in it to x64 folder, both status "Ok"
Loaded dgi in staxrip, prepared encode, hit start -> same error. Paths in this error are now updated which I'll attach.
admin wrote:
Tue Dec 04, 2018 3:36 pm
1. DGEnc does not exist. I assume you mean DGDec.

2. You should use the latest version of Avisynth+. Yours is very old.

3. I do not provide support for StaxRip (though I know it works with DGDec
when correctly set up). So I recommend that you try to get this working
outside StaxRip and then go from there. Just drop the AVS script onto
64-bit VirtualDub2 and report here what happens.

4. You might try to get support for StaxRip about this at videohelp forum
or other video forums.
1. Yes, Donald, sorry. To me it's basically just "DGIndex" and it helps encoding but when I write here I tried to be precise, missing there is no "DGEnc" with "Enc" for encoding.

2. I assumed so too speaking of the installer that came with staxrip 1.7 download. This is why I went to avs-plus.net downloading the latest x64 version that was "AviSynthPlus-r1576.exe". After reading your statement here I made sure I didn't download an older version by accident but it seems r1576 is the latest on this website.

3. Of course, I understand. I think I'm safe to say that there's only a small chance of not being to handle staxrips latest version well on my end. This small but yet existing chance I hope to resolve - if occurring - with the user base who successfully use staxrip with DGIndex/DecNV you told me about in your email. Here I post also in hope to cover the remaining chances of setting up DGIndex/DecNV the wrong way by reaching out to you.

As you suggested I (first downloaded Virtualdub2 and after extraction started VirtualDub64.exe, then) loaded the avs file into vdub2 by drag and drop. Brings 2 green screens, both saying "bad license" in yellow in top left corner.

Ok, that meant investigation time again for me:
  • Opened both "license.txt" files in DGIndexNV and its "x64 Binaries" folder -> Both keys are the same, followed by linebreak/newline
  • Opened DGIndexNV 32bit exe, went to about, checked machineid -> Matches the one I used to generate the license key contained in license.txt
  • Opened DGIndexNV 64bit exe, went to about, checked machineid -> Matches the one I used to generate the license key contained in license.txt
  • Generated a .dgi file with both the 32- and 64-bit DGIndexNV to see if I get any license error along the way -> Nope, none
  • Tried to load both .dgi's in staxrip which - of course - only worked for the 64bit one -> Using Preview or Crop here works flawlessly
  • Out of 50/50 deperation/Going for any small hint I compared both ini files -> Don't look really different to me, not sure though if attaching those here is safe (eg with license.txt you wouldn't want to do that)
Yes... this is where I am stuck again, not knowing how to pin down the current issue any further on my own. Also attached is dir /S if needed.
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Re: Staxrip 1.7+DGEnc+x264 = Unable to load DGDecodeNV.dll

Post by admin »

"Bad license" means there is not a valid license file in the same directory as the DGDecodeNV.dll that is being loaded. Perhaps you are actually loading DGDecodeNV.dll from a different place than you think (due to DLL search path, Avisynth autoloading, etc.) This is a good possibility with all the copying and stuff you are doing. Search your hard drive and remove or rename all copies of DGDecodeNV.dll that you find EXCEPT for one, and make sure that one has a valid license file with it.

Be aware that Avisynth+ is a bit strange in that you can specify a full path to the DLL but still a different one can be used if it is found in the autoload directory. So clear out any copies of DGDecodeNV.dll in the autoload directory. As I said, clear out (delete or rename) all but ONE, and make sure that one has a valid license file with it.

Your koenigshafen_take2.7z link is not working for me.

"Tried to load both .dgi's in staxrip"

I asked you to get this working standalone with VirtualDub2 first. Don't tell me about staxrip!
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Re: Staxrip 1.7+DGEnc+x264 = Unable to load DGDecodeNV.dll

Post by Chris »

Easy, easy, I was just giving as much information as anyone wanting to help could maybe need. Not being a pro with this mostly-known-some-parts-new-environment I could not classify which information would be stupid not to mention and which one valuable. Yes, why you would not want external/other applications involved I do understand absolutely and had hoped to ease off the pressure regarding this with some of my last post already - no worries here (see below) :)

Alongside as I investigated further I found out staxrip is the least issue here - it's as I hoped a tool to pin-point the root cause. So as vdub2 is/was. The real issue wasn't being unable to display (DGDecNV.dll) the pictures served but when using x264.exe actually (also DGDecNV.dll).

Here's the solution that consisted of 3 different issues in the following order:
  • Didn't let go not knowing for sure if I have the correct AviSynth+ version/package. So I looked up stuff on the web and found UniversalAviSynthInstaller which I applied successfully with option 7. From here on vdub2 also displayed a picture and worked well. It also worked well with encoding ... but that's the internal vdub2 x264 encoder, not a real external exe. Knowing I could not just post those news here and still asking for help whereas the issue lies with external applications I had to come up with a new plan...
  • Since I could not find any suitable x264 vdprof to download on the web and had no idea how to set up external encoder myself I just went x264 command line. Of course, why did I not do this earlier - and look at DGDecNV manual how avs needs to be built, etc. Still encountering the same error when running x264.exe with the avs script applied. Crazy. Then I read your post about multiple dll's. Did a search on all fixed drives and encountered one - probably auto-copied - in UniversalAviSynthInstaller's AviSynthRepository plugin directory I immediately shift-deleted.
  • Seeing nothing but "64bit" and "x64" mostly during researches got those terms stuck in the back of my head somewhere which made them pop out all of a sudden thinking of possible solution attempts I could maybe perform - makes me look up x264.exe version in staxrip package: 32bit. Not kidding. Of course immediately replaced with freshly downloaded x64 version.

From here on I am more than seeing how glad I can actually be about making this extraordinary upgrade :wow:

Quick test encoding job I ran:
25 minutes 1280x720 50fps 13mbit ts file from DVBS2 into 8bit x264 preset slow, crf21, resize 720x400px, yadif
Before (without DGDecNV): ~14 minutes, don't remember fps anymore
After (with DGDecNV): ~5 minutes, 120-130fps

Dear sirs, you gave me a lot of input and sooner or later pointed me into the right direction to find solution (salvation, ha!). Thank you a lot for all of your help :salute:

I'll mark this thread as resolved then and only have to fine-tune new staxrip 1.7 a bit more and also get more used to it :D
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Re: [RESOLVED] Staxrip 1.7+DGEnc+x264 = Unable to load DGDecodeNV.dll

Post by admin »

Great to hear you have things working and thank you for the update. Good luck with your projects!
DAE avatar

Re: [RESOLVED] Staxrip 1.7+DGEnc+x264 = Unable to load DGDecodeNV.dll

Post by Guest »

You might find it works better if you generate your own AVS+ scripts and use them as inputs to StaxRIP.
This allows you to update the packages individually as needed
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Re: [RESOLVED] Staxrip 1.7+DGEnc+x264 = Unable to load DGDecodeNV.dll

Post by Chris »

Hi gonca, could you give me an example here what this would look like? Something like a package manager for staxrip applications/plugins?
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Re: [RESOLVED] Staxrip 1.7+DGEnc+x264 = Unable to load DGDecodeNV.dll

Post by Guest »

No package manager, you just do it yourself manually.
I created a folder and called it Program Files (Portable) and put my apps in there.
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Re: [RESOLVED] Staxrip 1.7+DGEnc+x264 = Unable to load DGDecodeNV.dll

Post by Chris »

Please provide me with an example. I'm really lost understanding what you could mean.
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Re: [RESOLVED] Staxrip 1.7+DGEnc+x264 = Unable to load DGDecodeNV.dll

Post by Guest »

I have templates that DGIndexNV uses to create the scripts, see documentation
Have DGIndexNV index the file and when it is finished it will create the appropriate script
Use this script as input for StaxRip
When DGIndexNV is updated I update that
When MKVToolNix is updated I update just that
I use StaxRip to hold my Command lines "templates" and batch queues, and that is it
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