[CLOSED] Failure to run

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Re: Failure to run

Post by Rocky »

It is pointless to multithread DGSource() because there is only one decoder on the GPU. All it will do is consume extra memory and add CUDA context switching overhead.

Avisynth+ has the ability to specify multithreading per filter. DGSource() would be serialized while the others can be multithreaded. I imagine that you can do that in 2.6MT somehow.

Seems to me your whole setup is chaotic, which isn't too surprising since you uncritically bring things forward to new environments. In one of your posts you load a plugin from an Avisynth+ directory, but you tell me that you are using 2.6, which I suppose is really 2.6MT. I can't make any sense out of it, and when I ask for clarification you ignore me or just give further chaotic things for me to scratch my head over.
I'm sure all multi-threading for DGSource is done down at the cuda level (not processor level), transparent to the calling application (DGSource).
There you go with more chaos. You think Avisynth controls CUDA parallelism? Hey, it's a video decoder, it uses the video engine, of which there is only one.

And no answer to my question about the GPU in the Xeon machine.
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Re: Failure to run

Post by TCmullet »

The graphics card in the Xeon is Quadro FX 3800. 192 cudas. (Much larger than the 16 at hand.)

Seeing as you brought it up, I have dug into the past to try to review where things went. I started with DGSource either 2014 or 15. Then in 2017, I had to install the SVP player and/or software. They had switched to Avisynth+ (emphasis on the plus). When I did so, some of my scripts (a class of them) were bombing. It turns out that under some circumstances, I needed something that could only run under MT. So after they helped me identify the spagetti of Avisynth versions and dlls scattered about and consolidating it all, we concluded that I should freshly install the SVP package, including Avisynth+, which includes critical libraries I need for their features, then simply overlay the Avisynth itself with the MT version. Then my needed routines would work again. I've stuck with this setup since then. So my system is MUCH less chaotic and purposeful than it was in 2017.

When I spoke of multitasking with cudas, I was merely referring to the fact that the single engine of which you speak coordinates all the cuda cores to operate in PARALLEL with each other. So 100 cores can do 10 times the work compared to if you only had 10. Perhaps "parallel processing" was the correct term. But I DID know that DGSource uses the cuda cores, which I didn't know or suspect when I first got it. (I thought it was strictly an algorithmic solution, i.e., totally done with programmer code against the computer's CPU. But yes, if you can get some of the work done by the graphics processors, by all means!)

I have guessed that because DGSource relies on graphics processors (cuda cores), that my lack of cores is why multi-instances of DGSource bomb, whereas the abundance of cores (by comparison) in the FX 3800 allows many DGSources to be open at once. So in the rare cases I need two or more DGSources, I use the Xeon. Heck, I can't even use Vdub F2 on the weak PC. Have to manually close and re-open the script. Maybe getting rid of MT stuff at the top will help that.
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Re: Failure to run

Post by Bullwinkle »

Snort! The video engine does not "coordinate the cuda cores". That is so full of it. Poopy. Nobody dares call me poopy!

The problem is you do not listen, which tells me trolling, narc, or stupid. Fat lady is singing for you.