Feature Request: Episode Demuxing "Start Index"

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Feature Request: Episode Demuxing "Start Index"

Post by SomeHumanPerson »

When using the "Episode demuxing" option in DGDemuxGUI, the episode index automatically starts at "1", and will clobber any existing episode files with the same "output name". This is fine if the disc/playlist in question contains the entire run of episodes, but if the series has multiple discs (or multiple multi-episode playlists on one disc, which I've never seen but amounts to the same thing), then one has to manually fix/adjust the indexing after demuxing (I add the disc number to the "output name" to prevent collisions, then correct each set when finished).

It would be extremely convenient to be able to enter the starting index for the current playlist, with "1" as the default, so that there's no need to manually correct the indexing after/while demuxing a multi-disc/playlist series.

This could perhaps be a numeric input field at the bottom of the options list where "Angle" currently resides (possibly relocating "Episode demuxing" to the bottom as well to minimize confusion). On the command line it could possibly be integrated into the "-ep" switch as an integer value, i.e. "-ep [n]" to start the index at "[n]".

EDIT: A related "bug" (or strange behavior) that I just remembered is that "Episode demuxing" being enabled causes "Skip last M2TS" to be ignored. DGDemux will proceed to demux the "missing" M2TS just like all of the other episodes. This is noticeable in situations where a multi-episode playlist includes a combined "credits" segment at the end, which isn't an actual episode.
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Feature Request: Episode Demuxing "Start Index"

Post by Rocky »

Gonna sleep on this one and think of something to do. I hate adding options if we don't have to.
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Feature Request: Episode Demuxing "Start Index"

Post by SomeHumanPerson »

That's fair. :salute:

I also considered, as an alternative, asking for DGDemux to detect previous episodes (i.e. same "output name" + index [n]) and then just automatically set the new index to continue from there. That would accomplish the same thing without adding an "option", but it also seemed like it might be more difficult to code and debug.
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